New release on Bisou records
Christophe Manon / Thierry Müller
« Testament (d’après François Villon) »
BOOK + CD – 108 pages book, 14 X19 cm (in french) by Christophe Manon illustrated by Anne Van Der Linden with a CD of the text read by the author with music by Thierry Müller (Ilitch, Ruth…)
Christophe Manon a publié une vingtaine de livres parmi lesquels : Extrêmes et lumineux (Verdier, 2015), Au nord du futur (Nous, 2016), Vie & opinions de Gottfried Gröll (Dernier Télégramme, 2017), Pâture de vent (Verdier, 2019). Thierry Müller (Ilitch, Ruth…), compositeur, multi-instrumentiste, est toujours à l’affût de nouvelles expériences et collaborations passant de la pop à l’expérimental et à leurs transitions. Plusieurs de ses albums depuis la fin des années 1970 sont considérés comme culte. Anne Van der Linden, peintre et dessinatrice, elle expose ses oeuvres depuis les années 1990 en France et à l’étranger. Son travail est
largement publié dans l’édition alternative. Elle est également illustratrice pour la presse et pour des éditions de littérature. (
Christophe Manon has published around twenty books, including: Extrêmes et lumineux (Verdier, 2015), Au nord du futur (Nous, 2016), Vie & opinions de Gottfried Gröll (Dernier Télégramme, 2017), Pâture de vent (Verdier, 2019). Thierry Müller (Ilitch, Ruth…), composer, multi-instrumentalist, is always on the lookout for new experiences and collaborations moving from pop to experimental and their transitions. Several of his albums since the late 1970s are considered cult. Anne Van der Linden, painter and designer, she has exhibited her works since the 1990s in France and abroad. His job is widely published in the alternative edition. She is also an illustrator for the press and for literature editions.
This album is the fruit of a collaboration following the meeting between Pepe Wismeer and Thierry Müller (ilitch, Ruth …) a few years ago.
Recorded between April and November 2019, the first CD (12 tracks) is unsettling by its irresistible beauty and its ambiguous melancholy mixing heady reverie and experimental dark psyche delirium.
The second CD “No Re Re Night Fever – volume 7” (43 mn) is the quintessence of three nights of improvisation performed without re-recording in August 2019.
Kaleidoscope mastered by sparse and vast influences, the very personal universe of Pepe Wismeer – duo living in the Ardennes led by Anne-Laure Therme and Damien Van Lede – has been handling the purity, the delicacy, the minimalism since 1999 in about twenty albums, all relatively unclassifiable and deep, on the borders of experimental, industrial, dark-folk and ambient. In their icy or hot universe where a subtle mixture of anguish and melancholy crouches, emerging from a multitude of organic and analog sounds, the languid voice, the piano and the sometimes epic effects breathe melodies and frames of a irresistible beauty. Nurse With Wound was right, choosing them for its compilation of versions of Two Shaves And A Shine.
Thierry Müller is a multi-instrumentalist composer, whose Ilitch and Ruth projects are recognized in the international independent and underground scene. Since 1978, his albums with multiple and unclassifiable universes have been erected as “Cult” by personalities like Tim Gane, Lee Ranaldo, Steven Stapleton, Edward Ka-Spell, …). He collaborated on albums or Live with, among others, Valentina Fanigliulo (Mushy, Phantom Love), Nick Littlemore (Empire Of The Sun, Pnau), Aaron Moore (Volcano The Bear,…), Quentin Rollet, Jac Berrocal, NowCut …
Lèche Moi, c’est un groupe à deux têtes (langues, comme ils disent) composé de Sidonie à la voix veloutée et puissante et de Mika (Mika Pusse, Chantal Morte, Slaasssch, Pupusse & Patrack,…). Les deux forment un duo romantique et outrageusement sexuel.
« La musique de Lèche-moi est par essence scandaleuse, crade comme un bon vieux Alan Vega, avec des relents de proto-punk, d’électro-clash, de trip-hop mais aussi de country western et de folk azimuté. En clair, on y trouve un peu tout ce qu’on peut croiser dans une arrière-salle d’un club ou d’un sex-shop, d’un bar ou d’un bon routier du côté de Memphis, à savoir la chaleur moite d’un rock américain trépassé mais aussi l’ardeur sophistiquée d’une scène électro clandestine. » Benjamin Berton – Sun Burns Out. facebook / bandcamp
Ilitch-PTM Works, c’est Thierry et Patrick Müller : Thierry (ilitch, Ruth,…), Patrick (L’orchestre inachevé, Pupusse & Patrack, Producteur, Cofondateur de Trace label,…). Malgré de multiples collaborations sur des enregistrements et autres projets, ils se produiront pour la première fois sur scène, depuis la fin des années 70, sous la formule PTM Works. TrAce label / ilitchmusic
Le 11 mai, 20h30, studio Campus, 12 bis rue Froment, 75011.
25 copies Limited Collector Box
Hand made cardboard box 8,07 x8,07 inch (20,5 x20,5 cm), numbered and signed with cassette and 11 digital prints illustrating the tracks.
Available here:
The idea of making an album « tribute » to some actresses who marked me in some films or their personality, their aura, came to me after recording « Catherine J. », then, later « Monica V. » composed for a concert with Valentina Fanigliulo (Mushy) in Amsterdam in 2013.
These tracks are the « view » of the sensations and deep feelings they inspire me …: the captivating smile of Sandrine Bonnaire, the eyes of Monica Vitti, the failures of Catherine Jourdan, the last hours of Jean Seberg, the distress of Romy Schneider …
« The Silent Storyteller » act out the mood in which these tracks were created.